Alerta do Google - Pennsylvania Police

Pennsylvania Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 24 de julho de 2016
WGAL Lancaster
—A Franklin County, Pennsylvania, man is facing murder charges in the ... Police in Hanover County, Virginia, arrested Willie Bibbs, 64, Friday and ...
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Chambersburg Public Opinion
ANIMAL ASSIST: Chambersburg Police assisted the Pennsylvania Game Commission with the removal of a fawn at 1:16 p.m. Tuesday, July 19, 2016 ...
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KMBC Kansas City
Police said two off-duty officers heard gunshots about 2 a.m. near Westport Road and Pennsylvania Avenue. Officers found the two victims a short time ...
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... 52-year-old homeless woman told police that she was sexually assaulted Thursday at a residence in the 800 block of South Pennsylvania Avenue.
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Crafton Police Department - Review in Other category from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Review ...
Crafton police department does not like the handicapped people actually the crafton police are friends with most people on bradford ave one police ...
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