Alerta do Google - Pennsylvania State

Pennsylvania State
Atualização assim que ocorre 3 de julho de 2016
MORRIS TWP (WBNG) – According to Pennsylvania State Police a man in Tioga County, Pennsylvania is dead after his truck fell on him.
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Sunbury Daily Item
Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Dave Reed, R-Indiana, speaks to reporters in the state Capitol about negotiations on a tax package to close out ...
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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
"Those jobs don't stop at the state line," said Jeff Logan, president of the Pennsylvania Chemical Industry Council. "It's a regional thing.".
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A 2013 graduate of The Pennsylvania State University, Loxsom advanced to the final with a third-place finish in the first heat trailing only Boris Berian ...
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Los Angeles Times
In an interview, Devine, who teaches at the University of Dayton in Ohio, and Kopko, an assistant dean at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania, also ...
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High taxes are chasing companies, jobs and people away from Pennsylvania," Roae said. "State government spending is completely out of control ...
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Scranton Times-Tribune
From 1933 to 1938, he was a deputy tax collector for the IRS locally, according to the 1943 Pennsylvania State Manual. Robert Munley won election in ...
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Uniontown Herald Standard
Pennsylvania State Police released the name of the man that fled from police leading to a high speed pursuit ending in a crash in Redstone Township ...
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The Sentinel
We do about 30 states over the Fourth of July," she said. ... In Pennsylvania, the state does not issue permits for display fireworks. Rather ...
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