Alerta do Google - Pennsylvania State

Pennsylvania State
Atualização assim que ocorre 30 de janeiro de 2017
HARRISBURG — The two-page email that landed in the inboxes of top commanders at the Pennsylvania State Police last summer was ominous.
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If you look up the term "uphill battle," you might find this one of the definitions: electing anyone from Northeast Pennsylvania to a state appeals court.
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If the program were turned into a block grant, states would likely get a set ... In Pennsylvania, as in most states, the number of families on welfare has ...
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MERCER COUNTY – Pennsylvania State Police are warning residents about overdose deaths in the area caused by carfentanil, a synthetic opioid.
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As state leaders prepare for a tussle over balancing the 2017-18 budget, the state's fiscal watchdog, a lawmaker and an 11-year-old activist are ...
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Pennsylvania state police hold fundraiser to help fallen Trooper Weaver's family
HARRISBURG, Pa. Almost one month after Trooper Landon Weaver was killed, the Pennsylvania State Police are still remembering and supporting ...
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