Alerta do Google - Pennsylvania Police

Pennsylvania Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 11 de junho de 2017
(AP) -- A Pennsylvania judge has thrown out the death sentence imposed on ... Police said 24-year-old Randy Stair brought two pistol-grip shotguns to ...
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... in northern Crawford County has claimed one man's life and seriously injured another man, according to Pennsylvania State Police at Meadville.
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In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, two people were arrested -- one for disorderly conduct and a second for striking a state police horse, said Troy Thompson ...
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Bill Cosby's sex assault trial in Pennsylvania has moved swiftly and could .... Shortly after the attack, police said they had rounded up members of ...
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State police and prison officers will still get the old pensions.) That's not progress, but it became inevitable after 2001 when then-Gov. Tom Ridge, with ...
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PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Police say a 66-year-old died after he was shot 10 times on a north Philadelphia avenue. Police said the victim was shot in the ...
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