Alerta do Google - Pennsylvania Police

Pennsylvania Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 19 de dezembro de 2017
"Hopefully, the citizens of Northumberland County can rest assured tonight knowing a serial rapist has been removed from their streets," said Lt. Sherman Shadle, Pennsylvania State Police. Bail is set at $1.5 million cash and Kurtz was taken to the Centre County jail. State police want to add, while this ...
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"I wish Sheriff Bueki well in his retirement," commented Lt. Brian M. Vennie, Blooming Grove Station Commander, PA State Police, Troop R. "It has been an honor working alongside of him all of these years. The professionalism displayed by his department, in several recent high risk assignments, is a ...
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With one employee dead and another on the run from Allegheny County Police, managers at Community Options Inc. stayed silent Monday even as others ... The nonprofit operates more than 140 residential care facilities across Pennsylvania, according to records kept by the state Department of Human ...
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