Alerta do Google - Pennsylvania State

Pennsylvania State
Atualização assim que ocorre 18 de dezembro de 2017
That same fall, Pennsylvania was invited to share its efforts in building support for STEM through statewide stakeholders sessions and the formation of the Pennsylvania STEM Coalition. In October 2017, Pennsylvania officially became a CSforAll state by outlining existing initiatives that demonstrate a ...
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Firefighters were called to 203 W. Grandview Blvd. at about 5:15 a.m. Monday and arrived to find heavy flames coming from the center of the one-and-a-half story house, fire officials said. The homeowner escaped injury, but a dog died in the fire. Crews from seven fire departments, including Erie Engine ...
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Gov. Wolf on Sunday called on State Sen. Daylin Leach to resign in the wake of a report by the Inquirer and Daily News that eight women and three men have claimed that the Montgomery County legislator had inappropriately touched female campaign staffers or subjected them to highly sexualized ...
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