Alerta do Google - Pennsylvania Weather

Pennsylvania Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 18 de dezembro de 2017
Re-enactors might not be able to make their annual Christmas Day trip across the Delaware River between Pennsylvania and New Jersey because low ... be anything that's really significant enough to bring the rivers up," said Joe Miketta, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Mount Holly, ...
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The National Weather Service has issued a hazardous weather outlook from light snow or freezing rain Monday night for Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Somerset, Sussex and Warren counties. ... It could be a little snow or freezing rain in parts of eastern Pa & northwest NJ. Be alert for icy spots ...
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EASTTOWN TOWNSHIP, PA – Lancaster Avenue in Easttown Township will see intermittent lane closures this week at a specific intersection, PennDOT said. Lane closures will hit the Waterloo Road ... slowdowns may occur during construction. The contractor's schedule is dependent on the weather.
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