Alerta do Google - Pennsylvania Police

Pennsylvania Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 20 de janeiro de 2018
Since most Pennsylvania municipalities either don't have a police department or only employ part-time officers, Pennsylvania State Police "is the only police force with sufficient resources to efficiently and effectively investigate any officer-involved shootings" in those jurisdictions, the agency said.
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An Erie man facing sentencing on charges in a March shooting is now facing trial on charges that he delivered fentanyl in an undercover state drug investigation in May. Robert J. Burrows Jr., 22, was held for court on charges of possession with intent to deliver, criminal use of a communication facility ...
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A mother in northeastern Pennsylvania had a huge shock after picking up her 10-year-old son from the house of a caregiver: The boy had was police say was a "large bag" of marijuana and a hydrocodone pill, according to the Citizens Voice. The mother, who is not identified in the story, drove straight to ...
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