Alerta do Google - Pennsylvania Weather

Pennsylvania Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 20 de janeiro de 2018
Warmer temperatures are in store for central Pennsylvania this weekend and into next week, with highs approaching 50, according to forecasters. "The warming trend continues into the weekend as mild weather dominates central Pennsylvania. Temperatures today will be well above normal," according ...
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HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) – The Pennsylvania Game Commission says 51 deer from the 2017-18 hunting seasons have tested positive for chronic wasting disease so far. All positive tests were among deer harvested in disease management areas where the illness fatal to deer has been detected in ...
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Mendicino was pronounced dead shortly after arrival at Wilson Memorial Hospital. Arrangements were made through the Pennsylvania State Police and the Moscow Borough Police Department to make notification to Mendicino's next-of-kin in Moscow, PA. The investigation showed that the minivan left ...
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By PA 19 Jan 2018, 21:45 ... Members of the public have been urged to stay off the roads, with weather warnings covering much of the country. ... The M74 saw delays due to the wintry weather and collisions, with travel officers warning other routes across the country could face difficulties over the ...
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